Tuesday 20 October 2009

More Wolfguard WIP + Lone Wolf

Three pics here of my Termi-armoured Lone Wolf, who has magnetised arms: so far I've got lightning claws, PW+SB and his current loadout magnetised, and the plan is to use the 'spare' arms for a terminator Wolf Lord, who'll probably have Calgar's torso plus the huge cloak from the WG in Termi armour box - he'll be a suitable 13th co. Logan if necessary. This guy uses the chestplate from the Chaos Terminator Lord, and stands on a chopped down chaotic rock from the same box. Just needs some shoulder pads, a little GS-filling and some huge facial-hair braids. The head isn't attached yet, and will probably be staring to the model's left more than in these pics.
Also shown are the two remaining Wolf Guard, including one with heavy flamer: can't wait to include a move-and-fire heavy flamer in an infantry squad.

Monday 19 October 2009

Wolf Guard WIP

Here are my first five new-ed Wolf Guard, mostly just straight-off-the-sprue, with the odd CSM armour bits and some bespoke metal components. I was planning to just use the standard SW list without Blood-, Swift- and Skyclaws, and vehicles other than dreads (I might copy a list in later), but I'm still slightly considering using the entire Wolf Guard list by taking Logan Grimnar, and using all the Grey Slayers as Wolf Guard with boltguns, and 1 squad on bikes, but not sure whether it's competitive, or even better than a standard list!

The Wolftime Approaches

So, here's where I'll be posting images of my reinvented 13th Co. force: for those who haven't seen it, I built a wulfen-heavy force during the EoT campaign, and with the re-release of the SW Codex I've been tempted back into space-vikings in borrowed armour. I'll be digging out the (badly-painted) body of my old 13th co. next time I'm home, and my intention is to re-base and tidy up the old figures, to build at least 1500pts of current-ed wolves. Of course, this'll mean lots of the tasty new figures as well, as there's a new list and so many plastic kits have been released since I felt the call of Fenris. Pics to follow.